April 5, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

6:00 p.m. Workshop

City Treasurer Appointment The Mayor will present a candidate for the City Council to vote on to fill the open City Treasurer position.

Discuss South Valley’s CIP Plan
South Valley Sewer District General Manager and Engineer will provide a brief overview of the South Valley Capital Improvement Project plan.

7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting

Agenda Item Title Summary
I. General Business

A. Welcome & Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
C. Unified Police Report Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update on the Unified Police Department.
D. Proclamation Recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month Over the last challenging year, families have faced increased stress, and children were left without many of their protective factors. We hope the proclamation can shine a light on this issue in our local communities and serve as a reminder to work towards preventing child abuse. A representative from Family Support Center will accept the proclamation.
II. Public Comments

Public comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.

III. Council Reports

Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council. Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report
V. City Manager Report
The City Manager updates the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
VI. Public Hearings

A. Consideration of Amendments to Title 17 of the Midvale City Municipal Code to address minimum parking requirements within multi-family and mixed-use developments

The amendment will prohibit extra fees for residents to use minimum parking that must be provided for development. Anything above the required minimum parking for each unit may be charged, but the minimum parking may not be assessed as an extra charge over and above the rent, lease, or sale of a unit.

B. Consider Redistricting Map Options for the Midvale City Council Districts
Every ten years, city council districts must be redrawn so that each district is substantially equal in population. This process, called redistricting, is important in ensuring that each city council member represents about the same number of constituents. Redistricting is based on data from the U.S. Census, which was released in August 2021. The Midvale City Council is responsible (per Utah State Code) for setting the city council member districts. Two open houses and a survey were conducted to receive public input. The city council will discuss the results to determine how to redraw the council districts.
VIII. Consent Agenda
A consent agenda groups routine meeting discussion points into a single agenda item. In so doing, the grouped items can be approved in one action, rather than through the filing of multiple motions.
IX. Action Items

A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-11 Confirming the Mayor’s Appointment of Karen Kester as the City Treasurer for Midvale City
The Mayor will present a candidate for the City Council to vote on to fill the open City Treasurer position.
B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-12 Approving the Development Agreement for the project located at 1122 East Fort Union Blvd to allow for a proposed 5-story apartment building with structured parking and street-level retail
This item, if approved, would allow the Mayor, on behalf of the City, to enter into an agreement with the developer in order to develop the property/project as presented.
C. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-13 Approving the Purchase of Water Meters and Water Department Inventory

Approval would allow city staff to purchase additional water meters and water meter inventory.

D. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-14 Authorizing Specific City Employees to make Changes to the City’s Public Treasurers Investment Fund Accounts
Approval would give the City Treasurer and Administrative Services Director authority to make changes, as needed, to the City’s Public Treasurers Investment Fund account.
X. Discussion Items

Discuss Task Order #141.47.100 with Hansen, Allen & Luce for the design and construction management services for 2022 Pipeline Replacement
In our continuing effort to replace aging and undersized waterlines, we would like to begin the design work on the next two lines on the list. These projects are the replacement of the 6” and 8” lines in Center Street between the Trax line and State Street, along with the replacement of the line in High Tech Drive from 7200 South to our north border. We anticipate that this project will cost us roughly $800,000.
Discuss Proposed Amendments to the FY2022 Budget for the General Fund and Other Funds as Necessary

In order to purchase the water meters and water inventory discussed earlier in the meeting, we need to adjust the current year's budget to include the purchases.

Fire Restriction Discussion
Every year, the Unified Fire Authority requests an updated fireworks restriction map from the city. City staff is seeking input from the city council on the current firework restrictions map and will discuss a strategy for the summer if the drought conditions continue.
2022 Legislative Wrap-Up
The 2022 General Session of the Utah Legislature ended on March 4, 2022. Throughout the 45-day session, staff members tracked several bills that were considered by the Utah Legislature, because of their ability to impact our community. During the city council meeting staff will provide an update on the bills and issues that will have the most impact on Midvale, with particular focus on:
XI. Adjourn

The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
Categories: citizens agenda
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