December 6, 2022 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary

6:00 p.m. - Workshop

Adam Olsen Interview - Community Development Director Appointee
Unified Police Department Reforms and Legislation Update

7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

Agenda Item



General Business

A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
C. Unified Police Department Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about the Unified Police Department.
D. Recognition of Ralph Larios, and Detective Mark Utley for significant donations made to Life Start Village
Ralph Larios, Midvale Walmart Manager, and UPD Detective Mark Utley will be recognized for their significant donations to the Life Start Village.
Public Comments

Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
City Council Member Reports

City Manager Report

City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.

A. Consider Minutes of November 15, 2022 City Council meeting Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-49 Establishing a Time and Place for holding regular City Council meetings, designate Mayor Pro-Tempore schedule, and adopt the Holiday Schedule for the 2023 Calendar Year.

The City Recorder will present dates/times for the 2023 regular City Council meetings for the City Council to approve. She will also present the Mayor Pro-Tempore schedule. The Mayor Pro Tempore assumes the powers and duties of the Mayor during the absence or disability of the Mayor. The City Council members take turns acting as Mayor Pro Tempore based on the approved schedule. The City Council will also approve the 2023 Holiday schedule.
Action Items

A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-50 Confirming the Mayoral Appointment of Garrett Wilcox as the City Attorney for Midvale City and authorizing the execution of an Employment Agreement

Mayor Marcus Stevenson has appointed Garrett Wilcox to the position of City Attorney. Under Midvale City Code, City Council approval of the appointment is required. During the meeting, the City Council will consider Garrett Wilcox's appointment.

B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-51 Confirming the

Mayoral Appointment of Adam Olsen as the Community Development Director for Midvale City.

Mayor Marcus Stevenson has appointed Adam Olsen to the position of Community Development Director. Under Midvale City Code, City Council approval of the appointment is required. During the meeting, the City Council will consider Adam Olsen's appointment.

C. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-52 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) for the Bingham Junction Station Area Plan Utah State law requires municipalities with fixed rail guideways (commuter and light rail) to complete "Station Area Plans" (SAP's) covering a half mile radius of each station. Midvale has three stations within its boundaries: (1) Bingham Junction, (2) Midvale Fort Union, and (3) Midvale Center. Staff applied for and received Technical Assistance grant funding for all three stations and their requisite SAP’s. A joint application was submitted with West Jordan for the Bingham Junction and Historic Gardner (West Jordan) stations. As such, Midvale is among the first

cities to undertake the station area planning as required by HB 462 (passed in 2022).

Discussion Item

A. Discuss Unified Police Department Reforms Included in the Ninth Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement by Public Agencies To Create a New Entity, to Consolidate Law Enforcement Service and Provide Rules of Governance
The Unified Police Department was established by interlocal agreement among its member communities. Changes to the interlocal agreement must be approved by the Unified Police Department Board of Directors and the member communities. Midvale has sought changes to the Unified Police Department budget process that required an amendment to the interlocal agreement. During the City Council meeting the City Council will discuss the proposed amendment.


The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
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