May 3, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

6:00 p.m. Workshop

Unified Police Department Budget Overview (Sheriff Rosie Rivera & Lisa Dudley, UPD CFO)
Discuss a City Fraud Hotline (Kyle Maurer, Assistant City Manager)

7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting

Agenda Item Title Summary
I. General Business

A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

B. Roll Call
II. Public Comments

Public comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.

III. Council Reports
Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council. Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report
V. City Manager Report
The City Manager updates the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
VI. Department Report
Public Works Director Glen Kennedy will provide an update regarding the Public Works Department.
VII. Public Hearing

A. Public Hearing to receive public comments on the Midvale City Fiscal Year 2023 Tentative Budget beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 The City Council will hear public comment on and adopt the Tentative (draft) Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023) for the City.
VIII. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda groups routine meeting discussion points into a single agenda item. In so doing, the grouped items can be approved in one action, rather than through the filing of multiple motions.
IX. Discussion Items

A. Discuss Award of the 2022-2027 Concrete Replacement Contract to Quicksilver Concrete Each year money is budgeted for the replacement of curb/gutter and sidewalk. This involves the replacement of damaged sections of curb & gutter or sidewalk. It can also include upgrading any sidewalk ramps that do not meet current ADA requirements.

We put this project out for bid and received six proposals back on April 12. After evaluating the proposals Quicksilver Concrete was selected to perform the work.
B. Discussion of Effective Date of Newly Adopted District Map On April 19, the City Council adopted a map defining new district boundaries. There has been some question as to the election implications and effective date of the New District Map. To ensure that the Midvale residents know who their city council representative currently is and to clearly establish residency expectations for the 2023 municipal election, council members have asked to discuss the option of taking legislative action that will clarify any ambiguity. State and county laws are silent on this issue, but the City has received some guidance from the Election Division of Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office.
C. City Council Annual Goals - Review and Update The Midvale City Council’s Annual Goals included 14 goals that cover a wide range of issues. Given that this was the first set of consolidated annual goals that the Midvale City Council had adopted, there has been discussion throughout the year about the need to revisit the list to see how it and the goal setting process can be improved.
XI. Adjourn
The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
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