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2024 Harvest Days Parade Application (Only open to invited participants)


Thank you for accepting our invitation to participate in the 2024 Midvale Harvest Days Parade. 

To complete your application, please fill out the attached form and submit it no later than June 6, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact us at

If you have any other questions or requests regarding the parade, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Thank you for your participation, and we look forward to seeing you at the parade!

Best regards,

Harvest Days Committee

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



Please select your entry category

* required

Will your parade entry include loudspeakers or other electronic sound?

* required

Maximum 255 characters



Will music or sound affect your entry? (You have conflicting sound, horses that get scared, etc.)

* required

Do you agree to abide by the Harvest Days Parade rules outlined above?

* required

Entry Agreement

I agree that our Entry and all persons associated with it shall comply with all rules prescribed by the Harvest Days Parade Committee. I agree to conduct our entry and myself in a proper, appropriate manner during the Parade and related activities and to not engage in any activity that is dangerous or likely to cause harm, injury, or damage to the person or property of others. I agree to assume full responsibility for my conduct and the conduct of our Entry and to indemnify and hold Midvale City and the Harvest Days Committee harmless from any liability, claim, loss, or expense caused by any conduct by me or any part of our Entry. By signing below, I hereby release and discharge the State of Utah, the Dept. of Transportation, the Utah Transportation Commission, the Utah Highway Patrol, and their employees from all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind for any damages and/or injuries which may result from my participation in the Parade.

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Harvest Days Parade Rules


Safety is our priority and it should be yours, too. All entrants will always conduct themselves and operate their vehicles and floats in a safe manner. We reserve the right to disallow, at our sole determination, any float or entry for safety reasons.

Authorized entry

Applicants are not accepted into the parade until written confirmation is received from the parade official(s). No unauthorized entry will be allowed on the parade route.

Parade Line Up & Order

Placement and order of parade entries are at the sole discretion of the Midvale Harvest Days Committee Parade Chair.

Follow all instructions

Failure to follow instructions and directions from the Unified Police Department and Parade Staff will subject your party to removal/dismissal.

Insurance & Driver’s License

Each contingent vehicle that enters the parade line up area and/or participates in the parade must have liability insurance and the driver must have a valid driver’s license.

No Third-Party Sponsorships

Each entry affirms that only the organization/group named in the parade Application will be the organization/group participating on the day of the parade. Each entry affirms that it is not sponsored by or will not display any sponsors’ or advertisers' logos, advertisements, trademarks, products, or promotional materials without the prior written approval of Midvale City.

Personal Safety

Please make ALL entry participants aware of the possibility of heat exhaustion and/or stroke hazards associated with marching and participating in the parade (approximately 1.4 miles).Floats/vehicles shall be brought to a complete stop before participants climb on or off the vehicle. All minors riding bicycles, using skateboards, scooters, or roller blades must wear appropriate safety equipment.


Throwing candy from the floats is a fun tradition but also a safety concern. Candy must be individually wrapped. We encourage the handing out of candy when possible. If participants are throwing from a vehicle, please ensure they are throwing the candy far enough away from the vehicle that children aren’t at risk by having to come too close to the vehicle to pick up the candy.

Animal Units

All parade entries with animals are responsible for cleaning up after their animals in the assembly area and along the parade route. All animals, except equestrians, must be on a leash. Animals must be treated humanely consistent with protocols established by the American Humane Society. Only animals with the temperament to be around spectators or other animals are allowed in the parade.

Solicitation of Money/Donations along the Parade Route

Parade participants are prohibited from solicitation of any money/donations along the parade route.

City Ordinances & Laws

The Unified Police Department, who will be present and managing security, traffic, and crowd control along the parade route, is responsible for enforcing all applicable state laws and local ordinances during all Harvest Days Parade events. Such statutes may include, but are not limited to public decency, alcohol, controlled substances, public safety, and standard vehicle insurance requirements. No alcoholic beverages and/or consumption is permitted along the parade route by parade entries, participants, or spectators.

Forward Motion

All entries are required to maintain a continuous forward motion during the parade. No stopping unless directed by the Unified Police Department or Parade staff. All performances or maneuvers must be “on the move.” NO GAPS between parade units of more than 30 feet.

Vehicle Breakdown

Any vehicle entry that becomes disabled or delays the parade shall be immediately removed from the parade route by the responsible entrant. Any fees associated with towing/repair shall be the responsibility of the entrant.

Removal of Participants

The Midvale Harvest Days Parade Committee reserves the right to remove any entry and/or person(s) from the pre-parade staging area or parade that is a hindrance to the progress of the parade, places other participants in danger, or violates any regulation of this application or the Obscenity Statutes of the State of Utah.

All minors riding bicycles, using skateboards, scooters, or roller blades must wear appropriate safety equipment.

All entries must be capable of maneuvering around sharp turns and must clear all overhead obstacles. Maximum entry size requirements are as follows: Height=14 feet, Width=15 feet, Length=65 feet. (This includes the length of the truck/trailer combined.)


Do you agree to abide by the Entry Agreement outlined above?

* required