Midvale Main Business Alliance

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Purpose of the Midvale Main Business Alliance

The Midvale Main Street Business Alliance aims to support, promote, and unite the community within and around the Midvale Main Street Community Development Area, more popularly known as the Midvale Main Arts & Culture District. Through collaborative efforts with the City of Midvale, fostering transparency, problem-solving, and shared decision-making, we strive to achieve positive change and elevate economic prosperity and enhance the attractiveness and vibrancy of the area for visitors, residents, and business owners.

Midvale Main Business Alliance

The Midvale Main Street Business Alliance is a coalition of business owners located within the Midvale Main CDA, also known as the Midvale Main Arts & Culture District. The Alliance actively engages with Midvale City and the broader Midvale community to promote Main Street businesses and economic growth.

Through coordinated efforts with the City, Redevelopment Agency, and other public entities, we work towards enhancing the overall appeal and vibrancy of the Main Street area. The Alliance focuses on creating a safe and resident-friendly environment on Midvale Main to foster community pride and celebrate diversity.

The Alliance holds monthly meetings and information sessions, providing a platform for open communication, collaboration, and problem-solving. We encourage all business owners within or around the Area to attend and actively participate in our collective efforts. Together, we strive to create a thriving community around Midvale Main that reflects the values of inclusivity, economic prosperity, and a strong sense of community pride.

Join the Business Alliance

There are no dues or fees associated with the Business Alliance at this time, although we do expect all members to attend at least six of the monthly business meetings annually. CLICK HERE to join the Midvale Main Business Alliance.

Benefits of Joining the Business Alliance:

  • Meet and collaborate with other businesses along Main Street
  • Increase exposure of your business
  • Receive first hand information about the progress and resources available on Midvale Main
  • Collaborative opportunities with city departments around community events and programs for local businesses.

The Business Alliance meets the last Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. unless it falls on a Holiday, then it takes place the week before. The location of each meeting takes place at a new Main Street business from month to month. Check out the calendar page for meeting times and locations.

Midvale Main Project Area

The boundaries for the Midvale Main Redevelopment Agency Project Area Area are between 7200 South and Center Street and between 700 W/ Holden Street and I-15. See the map on the right.

Learn more about Midvale Main Street Project Area here.

Purpose of the Midvale Main Business Alliance

The Midvale Main Street Business Alliance aims to support, promote, and unite the community within and around the Midvale Main Street Community Development Area, more popularly known as the Midvale Main Arts & Culture District. Through collaborative efforts with the City of Midvale, fostering transparency, problem-solving, and shared decision-making, we strive to achieve positive change and elevate economic prosperity and enhance the attractiveness and vibrancy of the area for visitors, residents, and business owners.

Midvale Main Business Alliance

The Midvale Main Street Business Alliance is a coalition of business owners located within the Midvale Main CDA, also known as the Midvale Main Arts & Culture District. The Alliance actively engages with Midvale City and the broader Midvale community to promote Main Street businesses and economic growth.

Through coordinated efforts with the City, Redevelopment Agency, and other public entities, we work towards enhancing the overall appeal and vibrancy of the Main Street area. The Alliance focuses on creating a safe and resident-friendly environment on Midvale Main to foster community pride and celebrate diversity.

The Alliance holds monthly meetings and information sessions, providing a platform for open communication, collaboration, and problem-solving. We encourage all business owners within or around the Area to attend and actively participate in our collective efforts. Together, we strive to create a thriving community around Midvale Main that reflects the values of inclusivity, economic prosperity, and a strong sense of community pride.

Join the Business Alliance

There are no dues or fees associated with the Business Alliance at this time, although we do expect all members to attend at least six of the monthly business meetings annually. CLICK HERE to join the Midvale Main Business Alliance.

Benefits of Joining the Business Alliance:

  • Meet and collaborate with other businesses along Main Street
  • Increase exposure of your business
  • Receive first hand information about the progress and resources available on Midvale Main
  • Collaborative opportunities with city departments around community events and programs for local businesses.

The Business Alliance meets the last Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. unless it falls on a Holiday, then it takes place the week before. The location of each meeting takes place at a new Main Street business from month to month. Check out the calendar page for meeting times and locations.

Midvale Main Project Area

The boundaries for the Midvale Main Redevelopment Agency Project Area Area are between 7200 South and Center Street and between 700 W/ Holden Street and I-15. See the map on the right.

Learn more about Midvale Main Street Project Area here.

  • Light Up Main (2024) Street Closure Map

    Share Light Up Main (2024) Street Closure Map on Facebook Share Light Up Main (2024) Street Closure Map on Twitter Share Light Up Main (2024) Street Closure Map on Linkedin Email Light Up Main (2024) Street Closure Map link

  • Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program: Revitalizing Our Community's Heart

    Share Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program: Revitalizing Our Community's Heart on Facebook Share Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program: Revitalizing Our Community's Heart on Twitter Share Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program: Revitalizing Our Community's Heart on Linkedin Email Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program: Revitalizing Our Community's Heart link

    The Midvale Redevelopment Agency (RDA) is proud to introduce the Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program, an initiative designed to encourage and support the revitalization of existing buildings within the Main Street Project Area. The program aims to foster transformative development that not only preserves the area's historical charm but also contributes to its economic vitality.

    Purpose and Objectives

    The primary goal of the Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program is to promote adaptive reuse and revitalization. By offering loans to property owners within the Main Street Project Area, the RDA aims to create a sense of place, fostering redevelopment, supporting arts and culture, celebrating history, and providing spaces for community gathering and recreation.

    Eligibility Criteria

    To be eligible for the program, property owners must meet specific criteria, including ownership or purchase of property within Midvale's Main Street Project Area, current payment of property taxes, a commitment to project completion, and a positive credit history. The eligibility criteria ensure that projects align with the program's goals and contribute positively to the community.

    Loan Types and Use of Funds

    The program offers loans for physical improvement and real estate purchases, categorized by project size. Loans under $25,000 and those over $25,000 have distinct eligibility requirements. Funds can be used for various purposes, including land and building acquisition, construction and renovation, facade improvements, energy upgrades, and compliance with building codes.

    Public Benefit Criteria

    Projects are evaluated based on public benefit criteria, including economic impact, public amenities, historic character preservation, beautification, street activation, sustainability, architecture, urban design, and affordable housing. Higher scores in these categories may lead to interest rate reductions or eligibility for 0% interest loans.

    Loan Process

    The application process involves two parts, with a preliminary review taking approximately 10 business days. Successful applicants move to the second part, requiring submission of a non-refundable fee and additional documentation. The Redevelopment Agency Board evaluates each application, considering factors such as project feasibility and financial responsibility.

    Loan Evaluation

    The loan evaluation takes into account an applicant's credit history, ability to repay, management ability, business experience, and adherence to public benefit criteria. The RDA encourages private lending institution participation and may subordinate its security interest to private lenders.

    Required Documents

    Applicants must submit various financial, business, and collateral documents for loan consideration. These documents include sources and uses, development budgets, operating pro forma, credit reports, personal financial statements, and more.

    The Midvale Main Adaptive Reuse Loan Program represents a significant step towards preserving our community's heritage while fostering economic growth. It encourages property owners to embark on transformative projects that benefit both the individual and the community at large.

  • Revitalizing Businesses: Midvale Main Business Loan Program

    Share Revitalizing Businesses: Midvale Main Business Loan Program on Facebook Share Revitalizing Businesses: Midvale Main Business Loan Program on Twitter Share Revitalizing Businesses: Midvale Main Business Loan Program on Linkedin Email Revitalizing Businesses: Midvale Main Business Loan Program link

    The Redevelopment Agency of Midvale City (RDA) proudly introduces the Midvale Main Business Loan Program, dedicated to fostering the growth and enhancement of businesses within the Main Street Project Area. This initiative is aimed at stimulating business development and expansion by offering loans to businesses operating in or relocating to Midvale's Main Street Project Area. These businesses must demonstrate a commitment to creating a vibrant atmosphere along Midvale Main, contributing to redevelopment, fostering arts and culture, preserving history, and providing spaces for community engagement.

    Eligibility Criteria

    To qualify for the Midvale Main Business Loan Program, businesses must meet specific criteria, including existing within the Main Street Project Area, relocating to the area, or being a startup in the vicinity. Additional eligibility requirements include current property taxes, a valid business license, and a clean financial history. Public benefit incentives are in place, offering reduced interest rates for projects that exceed the minimum public benefit score.

    Loan Types & Use of Funds

    The program caters to both startup businesses (0-3 years old) and existing businesses (3+ years old). Loans ranging from $25,000 to $250,000 can be utilized for various purposes such as inventory, marketing, materials, space, labor, supplies, operating maintenance, physical improvement, and real estate purchases.

    Terms and Conditions

    The terms and conditions for loans vary based on the amount and purpose. Loans for startup costs and expansion expenses have a standard term of 6 months to 5 years, while loans for physical improvement and real estate purchases under $25,000 or over $25,000 have different terms. Collateral requirements, background checks, and credit score considerations are outlined for each category.

    Public Benefit Criteria

    Projects are evaluated based on public benefit criteria, including economic impact, public amenity, permanent job creation, and street activation. Businesses can earn a reduced interest rate for projects that surpass the minimum public benefit score, fostering a commitment to community enhancement.

    Loan Evaluation Process

    The Midvale Redevelopment Agency Board evaluates loan applications, considering factors such as financial feasibility, undue financial benefits to the applicant, identification of capital sources, and adherence to public benefit criteria. The agency encourages private lending institution participation and may subordinate its security interest to private lenders.

    Application Process

    The application process involves two parts – Part A and Part B. Successful completion of Part A leads to the submission of Part B along with a non-refundable application fee. The loan evaluation process ensures that the project aligns with the program's goals and community benefit.

    The Midvale Main Business Loan Program is not just about financial support; it's about fostering a thriving business community, preserving the city's history, and creating an environment where businesses can flourish. As Midvale redefines its Main Street, the program stands as a testament to the city's commitment to economic growth, community engagement, and a vibrant future.

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