• March 7, 2023 City Council Citizens Agenda Summary

    Share March 7, 2023 City Council Citizens Agenda Summary on Facebook Share March 7, 2023 City Council Citizens Agenda Summary on Twitter Share March 7, 2023 City Council Citizens Agenda Summary on Linkedin Email March 7, 2023 City Council Citizens Agenda Summary link

    6:00 p.m. - Workshop

    State Auditor’s Introductory Training for Municipal Officials

    6:30 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Fire Authority Report Unified Fire Authority Report by Chief Brad Larson
    D. Midvale Arts Council Report The Midvale Arts Council will provide a report.
    E. Harvest Days Committee Report The Harvest Days Committee will provide a report.
    F. Proclamation declaring March as National Women's History Month
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.

    A. Consider Minutes of the February 21, 2023 City Council meetings Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    Action Items


    Consider Resolution No. 2023-R-09 Approving Amendments to the FY2023 General Fund and Other Funds as Necessary

    The City Council will decide whether to adopt proposed changes to the budget for July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 that were not included in the original budget, but are needed at this time during the fiscal year.

    Discussion Item

    A. Discussion of the 2023 Midvale Municipal Election Process

    The Midvale City Council will discuss the 2023 Midvale Municipal Election process and estimated costs. The decision will be made between a traditional election or a ranked choice voting election process.


    Discussion of a Perpetual Access Easement Agreement between Midvale City and Salt Lake County for the Construction, Maintenance, and Operation of Two Concrete Boat Ramps adjacent to the Jordan River

    Salt Lake County is wanting to install two boat ramps in the Jordan River to allow boaters/kayakers a place to launch, land, and portage their vessels as needed when river conditions don’t allow for floating through this section of the river. Midvale City owns the property, and the County is asking for a perpetual easement from the City which would allow the County, its contractors, and the public to access the property for construction, maintenance, and then public use.


    Discuss Employee Bonus Program

    The City Council will discuss a proposed bonus program for employees that go above and beyond their normal duties to create financial benefits for for the City.

    Discussion on the Implementation and Purpose of the New Online Report a Problem Portal

    The Public Works Department has created an online portal for residents to use to report non-emergency issues like a streetlights out, broken sidewalk or curb, potholes etc. and plans on a go live date of April 1st. This discussion is to introduce and explain the purpose and details of the portal.

    Possible Closed Session
    This tentative item is placed on every City Council agenda in case the City Council needs to convene a closed session for one or more of the following discussions:


    Discussion of the Character, Professional Competence or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual;

    B. Strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation;

    C. Strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property;

    D. Discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and

    E. Investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

  • February 21, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary

    Share February 21, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Facebook Share February 21, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Twitter Share February 21, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Linkedin Email February 21, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary link

    6:00 p.m. - Workshop

    Legislative Update: HB374 County Sheriff Amendments

    6:30 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Unified Police Department Report by Chief Randy Thomas
    D. Boys & Girls Club Report
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.

    A. Consider Minutes of the February 7, 2023 City Council meetings Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    Action Items

    A. Consider Resolution No. 2023-R-09 Amending the Budgets of the General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Fleet Fund, and Information Technology Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023
    The City Council will decide whether to adopt proposed changes to the budget for July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 that were not included in the original budget, but are needed at this time during the fiscal year

    Authorization for Mayor Stevenson to Sign a Letter of Support for the 2023 RAISE Grant Application

    The City Council will consider authorizing Mayor Stevenson to sign a letter of support so that Midvale City is able to receive a $6 million grant for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure with an obligation for City matching funds of $1.2 million.
    C. Consider Approval of Final Subdivision Plat for a two-lot split located at 653 W Third Ave in the Single Family Residential-2 (SF-2) zone
    The City Council will consider splitting one existing lot located at 653 W Third Ave into two smaller lots.
    Discussion Item

    A. Discussion of Audit Services Agreement with Larson & Company, PC
    This agenda item is to discuss the process for selecting and contracting City’s annual financial audit.

    Possible Closed Session

    This tentative item is placed on every City Council agenda in case the City Council needs to convene a closed session for one or more of the following discussions:
    A. Closed Session to discuss the Character, Professional Competence or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual

    B. Strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation

    C. Strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property

    D. Discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

  • January 17, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary

    Share January 17, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Facebook Share January 17, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Twitter Share January 17, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Linkedin Email January 17, 2023 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary link

    6:00 p.m. - Workshop

    Discuss Options for Potential Recreation Center

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Unified Police Department Report by Chief Randy Thomas
    D. Unified Police Department Unified Police Department Citation
    E. Proclamation recognizing January 16, 2023 as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.

    A. Consider Minutes of the December 1, 2022, and January 3, 2023, City Council meetings Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    B. Set Date and Time [February 7, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.] for a Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Budget Amendments to FY2023 General Fund and other funds as necessary

    Action Items

    A. Consider Ordinance No. 2023-O-01 Amending Chapter 5.08 of the Midvale Municipal Code regarding Business Licenses
    Midvale City staff recommend approving amendments to Section 5.08 of the Midvale City Code, Business License Fees and Bonding Schedules. Amending the ordinance will ensure compliance with state code and provide transparency to the public.

    The business licensing fee schedule explanation does not currently define the purpose intended for the fees being charged. The amendments would specify the usage of the funds for current and future business owners.

    The Code currently reflects an incorrect fee schedule from years ago. The City Council adopts a new fee schedule every year. The amendment will refer to the most recent fee schedule.

    Consider Resolution No. 2023-R-06 Authorizing the City to enter into a Month-to-Month Lease Agreement for the Property Located at 7683 South Holden Street between Midvale City and UGIA

    If approved, the resolution would authorize the City to enter into a month-to-month lease agreement with IGIA. UGIA is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to provide law enforcement training and investigative assistance across Utah specific to gang-related crime and issues. The lease allows full use of the property specifically for Choose Gang Free Advocates programming. The programming will all be administered by UGIA staff with specific requirements for participation in the programming.

    It is anticipated that the property will be redeveloped as part of the Main Street CDA project area in 2023/2024. This lease is a month-to-month lease which will allow the property to be available once redevelopment conditions are most advantageous. In the interim, the building will be used and maintained by UGIA, which will relieve the City from the added cost of maintaining the property.
    Discussion Item

    A. Discuss General Plan Moderate-Income Housing Element Amendment and State Code Compliance
    Midvale City requests an amendment to the General Plan Moderate-Income Housing Element to be in compliance with Utah State Code 10-9a-403 and 17-27a-403 which requires specified municipalities and counties to develop a five-year plan that provides a realistic opportunity to meet the need for additional moderate-income housing.

    Because Midvale City has a fixed guide-way public transit station the Moderate-Income Housing Element includes a strategy to develop and adopt a station area plan to be in compliance with Utah State Code 10-9a-403(2)(b)(iv).

    B. Discuss Amending Chapter 3.02 of the Midvale Municipal Code regarding Procurement

    Updates are needed to assure the City’s procurement processes are efficient, effective, and competitive in the current economy. This includes updates that more accurately reflect processes and technologies as well as updating our exceptions to make our process more fluid. We are also proposing increases to our thresholds to be more in line with the cost of inflation and the State of Utah, which recently increased its thresholds.

    C. Discuss Amending Midvale Code Section 8.10.030 & 8.10.060 - Jordan Bluffs Institutional Controls Ordinance

    The purpose of the Institutional Controls (ICs) is to prevent unacceptable human exposure to contaminants that remain on site by ensuring the protection, maintenance, and improvement of physical barriers that have been placed on the various properties. With the continued development of Jordan Bluffs, the Gardner Company has requested amending the ordinance to clarify and further detail the responsibility for compliance with the institutional controls by property owners. The section will require all property to fall under the oversight of a single “Project Association” which will be responsible for the continued compliance with the requirements of the IC. Individual property owners will be primarily responsible for compliance within the Property Owners Association (POA) which will be required to be sub-associations of the Project Association.

    Therefore, these amendments will require each property owner to be responsible for compliance with the IC associated with its property through the creation of a POA. The Project Association will have oversight and enforcement responsibility over all POAs as well as the sloped areas along the Jordan River and 7800 South and the wetland areas. The City remains the ultimate authority over the protection and proper maintenance of the Jordan Bluffs site and has the authority to make any repairs and recover any associated costs it determines necessary.

    These changes in no way reduce the overall objective or effectiveness of the ICs, which is to prevent human exposure to contaminants. The changes provide additional levels of accountability to ensure the protection and maintenance of the cap and ensure the overall health safety of the area.

    Possible Closed Session

    This tentative item is placed on every City Council agenda in case the City Council needs to convene a closed session for one or more of the following discussions:
    A. Closed Session to discuss the Character, Professional Competence or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual

    B. Strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation

    C. Strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property

    D. Discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

  • January 3, 2023 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary

    Share January 3, 2023 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Facebook Share January 3, 2023 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Twitter Share January 3, 2023 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Linkedin Email January 3, 2023 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary link

    6:00 p.m. - Workshop

    Unified Fire Authority Presentation – Standards of Cover

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Fire Authority Chief Brad Larson will provide an update about Unified Fire Authority.
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.

    A. Consider Minutes of December 6, 2022, City Council meeting Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    B. Consider Resolution No. 2023-R-01 Approving the Ninth Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement by Public Agencies to Create a New Entity, to Consolidate Law Enforcement Service, and Provide Rules of Governance
    The Unified Police Department (UPD) was established through the adoption of the Cooperative Agreement by Public Agencies. Midvale City became a member of UPD in 2011 and agreed to adhere to the terms and conditions of the Interlocal Agreement. The Agreement has been amended 8 times by the UPD Board. In August 2022, Midvale delivered a letter to UPD requesting 4 reforms that sought to strengthen cost controls by improving the budget process, establishing a fund balance policy, reviewing the performance of the organizations, an establishing a local branding emphasis. UPD has worked with Midvale and other member communities to address the proposed reforms. On November 17, 2022, the UPD Board approved the Ninth Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement as part of the effort to strengthen cost controls through changes in UPD's budget process. The member communities, including Midvale City, have been requested to approve the Ninth Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement.
    Action Items

    A. Discuss and consider Resolution No. 2023-R-02 acknowledging Completion and Receipt of Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Audit Presentation Presentation and review of the City's financial audit and financial statements for July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

    Consider Resolution No. 2023-R-03 approving Franchise Telecommunications Agreement with Communications America, LLC

    Midvale Municipal Code Chapters 5.52 require companies providing telecommunications within Midvale to acquire a franchise agreement with the City prior to providing services. Communications America, LLC has submitted complete applications for telecommunications franchise. It has indicated that it wishes to install and provide telecommunications services within the City primarily through fiber-optic lines.
    C. Consider Resolution No. 2023-R-04 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) for the Bingham Junction Station Area Plan The Mayor's signature on this resolution will allow the City to move forward with Station Area Planning for the Midvale Center and Midvale Ft. Union Trax stations. The City applied for and was awarded grant funding through Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) for these plans. There is no cost incurred by the City other than staff time. Station Area Plans are required per State Law and seek to find ways to promote the availability of affordable housing, sustainable environments, and access to employment opportunities. The studies will provide opportunities for public input to shape the plans.
    D. Consider Resolution No. 2023-R-05 authorizing the Mayor to sign Amendment #2 to Grade Separated Crossing Agreement between Midvale City and Utah Transit Authority

    In July 2014 the City entered into an agreement with Utah Transit Authority (UTA) which allowed the City to make improvements to certain designated grade-separate crossings. On Feb 3, 2015, this agreement was amended to allow sidewalk improvements on the west side of Holden Street passing under the UTA tracks line. The second amendment allows the City to make improvements to the east side of Holden Street passing under the UTA tracks line The City anticipated biding the improvements this winter with the designs for the City Hall Plaza. Construction of the sidewalk and City Hall Plaza are expected to commence in the Spring of 2023 with completion in Summer 2023. The sidewalk improvement, landscaping, and plaza will connect as one continues improvement and will provide greater pedestrian access to Holden and Main Street.

    Discussion Item

    A. Discuss Proposed Amendments to Section 5.08 of the Midvale City Code Midvale City staff recommend approving amendments to Section 5.08 of the Midvale City Code, Business License Fees and Bonding Schedules. Amending the ordinance will ensure compliance with state code and provide transparency to the public.

    The business licensing fee schedule explanation does not currently define the purpose intended for the fees being charged. The amendments would specify the usage of the funds for current and future business owners.

    The Code currently reflects an incorrect fee schedule from years ago. The City Council adopts a new fee schedule every year. The amendment will refer to the most recent fee schedule.
    B. Discuss Proposed Amendments to the Procurement Code

    Discuss proposed changes to the laws that assure the City is purchasing things responsibly and competitively.

    Possible Closed Session

    This tentative item is placed on every City Council agenda in case the City Council needs to convene a closed session for one or more of the following discussions:
    A. Closed Session to discuss the Character, Professional Competence or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual

    B. Strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation

    C. Strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property

    D. Discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • December 6, 2022 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary

    Share December 6, 2022 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Facebook Share December 6, 2022 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Twitter Share December 6, 2022 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary on Linkedin Email December 6, 2022 - City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda Summary link

    6:00 p.m. - Workshop

    Adam Olsen Interview - Community Development Director Appointee
    Unified Police Department Reforms and Legislation Update

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about the Unified Police Department.
    D. Recognition of Ralph Larios, and Detective Mark Utley for significant donations made to Life Start Village
    Ralph Larios, Midvale Walmart Manager, and UPD Detective Mark Utley will be recognized for their significant donations to the Life Start Village.
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.

    A. Consider Minutes of November 15, 2022 City Council meeting Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-49 Establishing a Time and Place for holding regular City Council meetings, designate Mayor Pro-Tempore schedule, and adopt the Holiday Schedule for the 2023 Calendar Year.

    The City Recorder will present dates/times for the 2023 regular City Council meetings for the City Council to approve. She will also present the Mayor Pro-Tempore schedule. The Mayor Pro Tempore assumes the powers and duties of the Mayor during the absence or disability of the Mayor. The City Council members take turns acting as Mayor Pro Tempore based on the approved schedule. The City Council will also approve the 2023 Holiday schedule.
    Action Items

    A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-50 Confirming the Mayoral Appointment of Garrett Wilcox as the City Attorney for Midvale City and authorizing the execution of an Employment Agreement

    Mayor Marcus Stevenson has appointed Garrett Wilcox to the position of City Attorney. Under Midvale City Code, City Council approval of the appointment is required. During the meeting, the City Council will consider Garrett Wilcox's appointment.

    B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-51 Confirming the

    Mayoral Appointment of Adam Olsen as the Community Development Director for Midvale City.

    Mayor Marcus Stevenson has appointed Adam Olsen to the position of Community Development Director. Under Midvale City Code, City Council approval of the appointment is required. During the meeting, the City Council will consider Adam Olsen's appointment.

    C. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-52 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) for the Bingham Junction Station Area Plan Utah State law requires municipalities with fixed rail guideways (commuter and light rail) to complete "Station Area Plans" (SAP's) covering a half mile radius of each station. Midvale has three stations within its boundaries: (1) Bingham Junction, (2) Midvale Fort Union, and (3) Midvale Center. Staff applied for and received Technical Assistance grant funding for all three stations and their requisite SAP’s. A joint application was submitted with West Jordan for the Bingham Junction and Historic Gardner (West Jordan) stations. As such, Midvale is among the first

    cities to undertake the station area planning as required by HB 462 (passed in 2022).

    Discussion Item

    A. Discuss Unified Police Department Reforms Included in the Ninth Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement by Public Agencies To Create a New Entity, to Consolidate Law Enforcement Service and Provide Rules of Governance
    The Unified Police Department was established by interlocal agreement among its member communities. Changes to the interlocal agreement must be approved by the Unified Police Department Board of Directors and the member communities. Midvale has sought changes to the Unified Police Department budget process that required an amendment to the interlocal agreement. During the City Council meeting the City Council will discuss the proposed amendment.


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • November 15, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

    Share November 15, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Facebook Share November 15, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Twitter Share November 15, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Linkedin Email November 15, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda link

    6:00 p.m. - Workshop

    Interview City Attorney Appointee - Garrett Wilcox

    6:30 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Chief Brad Larson will provide an update about Unified Fire Authority.
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    Public Hearing


    Consider Midvale City request for amendments to Title 17 of the Midvale City Municipal Code to address setbacks for garages, carports, and accessory structures within the Single-Family 1 and Single-Family 2 zones

    The proposed amendments will allow those who live in more established areas of the City to expand their garages and/or carports toward the side and rear property lines, where the current setbacks prohibit such expansion. In addition, this allows increased flexibility in setbacks for detached accessory structures and external accessory dwelling units.


    A. Consider Minutes of November 1, 2022 City Council meeting Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    B. Consider Ordinance No. 2022-O-20 Amending Chapter 8.09 of the Midvale Municipal Code regarding Wastewater Disposal

    South Valley Water Reclamation Facility (SVWRF) recently updated its rules and regulations for its pre-treatment program. The last update was in 2011 and the City officially adopted those rules by resolution. SVWRF requested that the City complete that process for the latest update. After some research, it was found that two chapters of the code currently address wastewater regulations and the relationship with the City and SVWRF. Chapters 13.08 and 8.09. Chapter 8.09 has not been updated to reflect the current regulating agencies and any rule updates that have occurred since 1967. The proposed amendments correct this and any conflict with Chapter 13.08.

    Discussion Item

    A. Discuss establishing a time and place for holding regular City Council Meetings, designate Mayor Pro-Tempore schedule, and adopt the Holiday Schedule for the 2023 Calendar Year

    The City Recorder will present dates/times for the 2023 regular City Council meetings for the City Council to approve. She will also present the Mayor Pro-Tempore schedule. The Mayor Pro Tempore assumes the powers and duties of the Mayor during the absence or disability of the Mayor. The City Council members take turns acting as Mayor Pro Tempore based on the approved schedule. The City Council will also approve the 2023 Holiday schedule.

    B. Discussion regarding the execution of a Right-of-Way Lease Agreement with 4th Ave. & Main LLC and waiver of the associated annual rent for the use of a bulb out located on the west side of the building at 7563 S Main Street
    4th Ave & Main LLC, the property owner of the building located at 7563 S. Main St., wishes to enter into a right-of-way lease agreement that would allow them to use the newly built "bulb-out" to provide additional outdoor seating and dining options for their patrons. Bulb-outs extend the sidewalk into the parking lane to narrow the roadway.

    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • November 1, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

    Share November 1, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Facebook Share November 1, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Twitter Share November 1, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Linkedin Email November 1, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda link

    No Workshop

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about Unified Police Department.
    D. Veterans Day Proclamation
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    Public Hearings


    Daniel Gasser requests Final Subdivision approval to combine six existing lots into three lots located at 655 W Center St in the Main Street Form-Based Code (MS-FBC) zone.

    This item is to clean up the existing recorded plat for where Fire Station 125 is being constructed. The new proposed plat will take what is currently six existing lots and combine them into three total lots. Nothing will be changing with the Fire Station itself.

    Consider Amending Chapter 17-7-1.13.B of the Midvale City Municipal Code to Address the Duplex Approval Process

    The proposed amendment will allow a faster review and approval for duplexes in the SF-1 (Single Family) zone. Staff, rather than Planning Commission, will review and approve duplex requests if all criteria are met.

    A. Consider Minutes of October 18, 2022 City Council meeting Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    Action Items

    A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-47 Adopting the Amended Board Committee Assignment List for Midvale City

    Midvale is a member entity to several interlocal, non-profit, and governmental organizations. Each year the Mayor and City Council review and amend the Board and Committee Assignment List to determine who should represent the City on various governing boards and committees for those organizations.

    The City Council is being asked to approve a mid-year update of the Board and Committee Assignment List so that Nate Rockwood, the new assistant city manager, can be designated as a representative of Midvale City on several boards and committees. It is also recommended that Council Member Dustin Gettel replace the previous assistant city manager on the Animal Services Advisory Committee.

    Discussion Item

    A. Discuss Amending Chapter 8.09 of the Midvale Municipal Code regarding Wastewater Disposal

    South Valley Water Reclamation Facility (SVWRF) recently updated their rules and regulations for its pre-treatment program. The last update was in 2011 and the City officially adopted those rules by resolution. SVWRF requested that the City complete that process for the latest update. After some research, it was found that two chapters of the code currently address wastewater regulations and the relationship with the City and SVWRF. Chapters 13.08 and 8.09. Chapter 8.09 has not been updated to reflect the current regulating agencies and any rule updates that have occurred since 1967. The proposed amendments correct this and any conflict with Chapter 13.08.


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • October 18, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

    Share October 18, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Facebook Share October 18, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Twitter Share October 18, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Linkedin Email October 18, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda link

    6:00 p.m. - City Council Workshop

    TransJordan Landfill Report
    South Valley Sewer District Rules and Regulations Discussion

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Fire Authority Unified Fire Authority Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about Unified Police Department.
    D. Introduction of Chief Dominic Burchett Unified Fire Authority Chief Dominic Burchett will introduce himself to the Mayor, City Council, and Midvale community.
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    City Council Member Reports

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    Department Reports

    Administrative Services Director Mariah Hill will provide an update on the Administrative Services Department.
    Public Hearings


    Consider Rezoning Property located at 7488 South Casa Blanca Drive from Regional Commercial (RC) to Multifamily Residential-Medium to High Density (RM-25) to allow for a Proposed 8-Unit Townhome Project,

    A request to rezone property from a commercial zone to a higher-density residential zone. If approved, the developer would construct 8 townhomes. If not approved, the zone will remain commercial.

    Consider Final Subdivision Approval for a Two-Lot Split Located at 968 Casa Rojo Street in the Single Family (SF-1) Zone

    The City Council will consider a subdivision application to split one existing lot into two separate lots.
    Consent Agenda

    A. Consider Minutes of October 4, 2022 City Council meeting Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    Action Items

    A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-46 Approving a Development Agreement for property located at 7488 South Casa Blanca Drive
    A development agreement for the rezone mentioned in the agenda above (VII.A). If approved, the development agreement binds the developer to certain items regarding the development of the property. It limits the number of units to be constructed, the access point for the development, provides a timeline for development and an expiration if development does not occur within 7 years.

    Review and Approval of Resolution No. 2022-R-47 Adopting the Amended Board and Committee Assignment List for Midvale City

    Midvale is a member entity to several interlocal, non-profit, and governmental organizations. Each year the Mayor and City Council review and amend the Board and Committee Assignment List to determine who should represent the City on various governing boards and committees for those organizations.

    The City Council is being asked to consider a mid-year update of the Board and Committee Assignment List so that Nate Rockwood, the new assistant city manager, can be designated as a representative of Midvale City on several boards and committees. It is also recommended that Council Member Dustin Gettel replace the previous assistant city manager on the Animal Services Advisory Committee.


    Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-48 A Resolution of the City Council of Midvale City, Utah Declaring its Intention to Reimburse itself for Expenditures Incurred in Connection with Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements with proceeds of Bonds that it intends to issue; and related matters

    Consider allowing the City to use future bond proceeds to cover expenses for projects beginning before the bonds are issued.
    Discussion Item

    A. Discuss Amending Chapter 8.09 of the Midvale Municipal Code regarding Wastewater Disposal

    South Valley Water Reclamation Facility (SVWRF) recently updated their rules and regulations for its pre-treatment program. The last update was in 2011 and the City officially adopted those rules by resolution. SVWRF requested that the City complete that process for the latest update. After some research, it was found that two chapters of the code currently address wastewater regulations and the relationship with the City and SVWRF. Chapters 13.08 and 8.09. Chapter 8.09 has not been updated to reflect the current regulating agencies and any rule updates that have occurred since 1967. The proposed amendments correct this and any conflict with Chapter 13.08.


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • October 4, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

    Share October 4, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Facebook Share October 4, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Twitter Share October 4, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Linkedin Email October 4, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda link

    6:00 p.m. - City Council Workshop

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department UPD Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about Unified Police Department.
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Council Reports

    Mayor and City Council Member Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson's Report

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    Department Reports

    Administrative Services Director Mariah Hill will provide an update on the Administrative Services Department.
    Public Hearings

    A. Midvale City requests amendments to Section 17.7.11 of the Midvale City Municipal Code to (1) modify provisions for neon signs, and (2) modify landscaping requirements for parking lots
    If approved, this agenda item would change development rules in the downtown Main Street area by allowing neon sign elements where they were not allowed in the past. It would also change landscaping requirements for parking lots in situations where plants would likely not survive.
    B. Consider Victor Soni requests a zone change from the Clean Industrial Zone (CI) to the Transit-Oriented Development Overlay Zone (TODO) for properties located at 280 & 282 West 7200 South
    A zone change applies new rules for development to a piece of land. In this case, if approved, the new rules would allow for multi-family housing where this type of development was not allowed in the past.

    Consent Agenda

    A. Consider Minutes of September 20, 2022 Consider approving the Minutes of the previous City Council meeting

    B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-44 A Resolution Authoring the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Salt Lake County for UPDES Media Campaign Cost Sharing
    Midvale City is subject to Phase 2 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The CWA aims to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pollution in the nation's water. Part of the CWA requires the City to provide public education and outreach programs. Since 1994, cities throughout the County (including Midvale City) have partnered with the Salt Lake County Storm Water Coalition (Coalition) to implement a public education and outreach program to increase the public's awareness and knowledge of the importance of keeping stormwater clean before entering our creeks and lakes. Midvale City's contract with the Coalition expired June 30, 2022. This agenda item is to discuss a new contract for participation in the Coalition from 2022 through 2028. The cost for 2022 would be $5,479.14 (or $0.15 per resident per year).
    Action Items

    A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-43 A Resolution Confirming Mayor Stevenson’s Appointment of Molly Signoretty as the Chair of the Harvest Days Festival Committee
    The Harvest Days Festival Committee was established to provide leadership, planning, and staffing for the Annual Harvest Days Festival. The chair of the Harvest Days Festival Committee is appointed by the Mayor and requires approval from the City Council. Mayor Stevenson has appointed Molly Signoretty as the Harvest Days Festival Committee Chair for 2023 and is seeking confirmation from the City Council.
    B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-45 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Right-of-Way Access and Use Agreement with West Jordan City for the Construction, maintenance, and repair for the 7800 South Jordan River Pedestrian Bridge

    West Jordan City received funds to build a pedestrian bridge across the Jordan River. This bridge would connect the Jordan River Trail on the Midvale side of the river to the trail on the West Jordan side. The new bridge will be located just to the north of the current 7800 South vehicle bridge. The bridge will be like the ones behind the FL Smidth building and the bridge further south and to the west of the Jordan Bluffs area.

    This agreement would provide access to the construction, installation, repair and maintenance, and use of the bridge.

    Discussion Item

    A. Jordan Bluff Environmental Discussion


    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • September 20, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

    Share September 20, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Facebook Share September 20, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Twitter Share September 20, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Linkedin Email September 20, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda link

    6:00 p.m. - City Council Workshop

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Fire Authority Report UFA Chief Brad Larson will provide an update about Unified Fire Authority.
    Public Comments

    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    Council Reports

    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    Mayor Marcus Stevenson's Report

    City Manager Report

    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    Department Reports

    Public Works Director Glen Kennedy will provide an update on the Public Works Department.
    Consent Agenda

    Consider the Minutes of the previous meeting
    Action Item

    A. Consider Ordinance No. 2022-O-14 An Ordinance Amending the General Plan to Include a Moderate-Income Housing Element
    Utah State Code 10-9a-403 and 17-27a-403 requires Midvale city to include a Moderate-Income Housing Element in the General Plan. The Moderate Income Housing Element is designed to serve those households who fall on or below 80% of the area median income (AMI). This item is to amend the General Plan to incorporate a Moderate-Income Housing Element that includes six moderate-income housing strategies, one of which is to develop and adopt a station area plan and a five-year implementation plan. The Moderate Income Housing Element shall remain flexible and will be updated and adjusted as more complete housing data and demographics are discovered, as suggested in the State code.
    Discussion Item

    A. Discuss 2022-2028 Interlocal Agreement with Salt Lake County for UPDES Media Campaign Cost Sharing
    Midvale City is subject to Phase 2 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The CWA aims to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pollution in the nation's water. Part of the CWA requires the City to provide public education and outreach programs. Since 1994, cities throughout the County (including Midvale City) have partnered with the Salt Lake County Storm Water Coalition (Coalition) to implement a public education and outreach program to increase the public's awareness and knowledge of the importance of keeping stormwater clean before entering our creeks and lakes. Midvale City's contract with the Coalition expired June 30, 2022. This agenda item is to discuss a new contract for participation in the Coalition from 2022 through 2028. The cost for 2022 would be $5,479.14 (or $0.15 per resident per year).
    Closed Session

    The City Council will consider a motion to close the meeting for the purposes of holding a strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation, and/or to discuss the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property, and/or the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual in conformance with 52-4-204 and 52-4-205 et. seq., Utah Code.

    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.