Citizens Agenda Summary

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City Council meeting agendas are often difficult for people to navigate. Filled with jargon and legal requirements on how an item must be listed, it can be a challenge to determine what council members are discussing or deciding on. We have prepared a summary of the agenda items in laymen's terms. The official published agendas and supporting materials can be found here.

Participating in City Council Meetings

You may share your views with the City Council:

  • During legally-required public hearings
  • During the regular open public comment period
  • Other opportunities when the Mayor allows for public comment

Public comments may be submitted electronically for City Council consideration. Submit comments by 5:00 p.m. the day before the City Council meeting. Please indicate if you would like your comment to be read during the City Council meeting.

City Council meeting agendas are often difficult for people to navigate. Filled with jargon and legal requirements on how an item must be listed, it can be a challenge to determine what council members are discussing or deciding on. We have prepared a summary of the agenda items in laymen's terms. The official published agendas and supporting materials can be found here.

Participating in City Council Meetings

You may share your views with the City Council:

  • During legally-required public hearings
  • During the regular open public comment period
  • Other opportunities when the Mayor allows for public comment

Public comments may be submitted electronically for City Council consideration. Submit comments by 5:00 p.m. the day before the City Council meeting. Please indicate if you would like your comment to be read during the City Council meeting.

  • September 6, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

    Share September 6, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Facebook Share September 6, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Twitter Share September 6, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda on Linkedin Email September 6, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda link

    6:00 p.m. - City Council Workshop

    7:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    I. General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Report UPD Police Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about Unified Police Department
    D. Chief Dominic Burchett, Unified Fire Authority Chief Dominic Burchett will provide an update on the Unified Fire Authority
    E. Harvest Days Committee Report The Harvest Days Festival Committee will provide a report on the 2022 Harvest Days Festival.
    F. Recognition of Harvest Days Committee The Mayor and City Council will recognize the Harvest Days Festival Committee for their hard work on the 2022 Harvest Days Festival.
    II. Public Comments
    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    III. Council Reports
    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson's Report
    V. City Manager Report
    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    VI. Department Reports
    Assistant City Manager Nate Rockwood will update the City Council on the Community Development Department and Redevelopment Agency.
    VII. Public Hearings

    A. Consider Amending the Midvale City Municipal Fee Schedule for the 2023 Fiscal Year
    The City Council will consider updating the Municipal Fee Schedule for the 2023 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023). The Municipal Fee Schedule consolidates and places all of Midvale City’s user fees and charges in one comprehensive document, making it easier for those doing business with the City to understand the costs associated with those services. The Municipal Fee Schedule also allows for City staff to update and more efficiently manage the collection and administration of these revenues.
    B. Consider Final Plat for Prestige Estates #2 to Convert a Duplex into a Twin Home, Located at 481-483 East Acoma Road

    This plat divides the ownership of an existing duplex and allows for an individual owner of each dwelling unit/apartment in the building. After the transaction is accomplished each unit in the building can be individually owned, very much like a condo. This application creates more homeownership opportunities in Midvale.

    VIII. Consent Agenda Consider Minutes of the previous meeting
    IX. Discussion Item

    A. Discuss Midvale City Grant Program During the 2022 Budget Retreat, the City Council expressed interest in developing a formal and open process for providing grants to local non-profit organizations that serve Midvale. Historically, the grants have gone to organizations that have had a long-term record of providing services in Midvale, though there has not been an open application process for organizations to request funding. In order to structure a formal and open program that would allow for non-profit organizations to apply for grants, the City Council will need to provide staff with direction regarding program goals, eligibility, process, and funding.
    X. Adjourn
    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

  • August 16, 2022 City Council Special Meeting Citizens Agenda

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    6:00 p.m. - Special City Council Meeting (No Workshop)

    Agenda Item



    I. General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    II. Public Comments
    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    III. Public Hearings

    A. Consider a 7.31% increase to the 2022 Certified Property Tax Rate for Midvale City
    The City is proposing a 7.31% (about $14 per year for the average household) increase to the City's property taxes. The City Council will hear public comments on the proposed property tax increase and then vote on whether or not to pass the increase.
    IV. Action Items


    Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-36 A Resolution Adopting the Final Operating and Capital Budgets for Midvale City, State of Utah, for Fiscal Year 2023

    The City Council will vote on the adoption of the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 20, 2023) for the City. The adopted budget will be the guiding financial document for the coming operating and capital purchases for the City in the coming year.
    B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-37 A Resolution Adopting the Midvale City Job Classification Plan, Salary Plan, Elected Official’s Salaries, and Benefit Package for Fiscal Year 2023
    The City Council will vote on the adoption of the Midvale City Job Classification Plan, Salary Plan, Elected Officials Salaries, and Benefit Package for Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023) for the City.
    V. Adjourn
    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

  • August 9, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

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    6:00 p.m. - Regular City Council Meeting (No Workshop)

    Agenda Item



    I. General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Report UPD Police Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about Unified Police Department
    II. Public Comments
    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    III. Council Reports
    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson's Report
    V. City Manager Report
    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    VI. Department Reports
    Public Works Director Glen Kennedy will update the City Council on the Public Works Department
    VII. Public Hearings

    A. Consider Amendments to Title 17 of the Midvale City Municipal Code to Address Licensure of Child Care Centers and Child Care Facilities within the City The proposed amendment brings the City’s code for licensure of child care facilities in-line with the recently approved State Law. The amendment removes the requirement for state licensure and in its place requires a City business license.
    VIII. Consent Agenda Consider Minutes of July 19, 2022
    IX. Action Items


    Consideration and Direction Regarding Midvale’s Role as a Member of the Unified Police Department

    The City Council has expressed concerns regarding the Unified Police Department’s budget process, as well as other issues. Midvale City staff has used the comments from the City Council to prepare recommendations for reforms to the Uniform Police Department. During the City Council meeting, the Council will discuss the proposed reforms and how best to communicate them to the Unified Police Department.
    B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-34 Approving the Sale of City Right-of-Way located at 100 West Center Street, C-Street Townhomes On May 17, 2022, the City Council approved the C Street Towns project, a 26-unit townhome project. A right-of-way vacation request for a portion of Center Street was part of the proposal. The Council, as a condition of approval, required the applicant to prepare an appraisal and all documents for the transfer/sale of the property requested for vacation. The applicant has done this and presented a purchase offer for the property. The Council will consider a resolution, which will allow the sale of the property requested for right-of-way vacation.
    C. Consider Approving the Purchase of Two Vehicles for Water Utility Department (Hydro Excavator and Utility Truck Build The water division is requesting to purchase two new pieces of equipment, a hydro-excavator, and a utility truck. Both of the purchases were approved as part of the annual budget process. However, both purchases exceed $100,000 requiring them to be specifically brought to Council for another approval.
    X. Discussion Item

    A. Discuss Cemetery Upright Monuments
    XII. Adjourn
    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

  • June 21, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

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    6:00 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting

    Agenda Item



    I. General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Report UPD Police Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update about Unified Police Department
    II. Public Comments
    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    III. Council Reports
    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson's Report
    V. City Manager Report
    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    VI. Department Reports
    Public Works Director Glen Kennedy will update the City Council on the Public Works Department
    VII. Public Hearings

    A. Consider rezone approval for property located at 160 E 7200 S from Single Family Residential/Duplex Overlay/7200 S Overlay to Mixed Use/7200 S Overlay to allow for a proposed 18-unit Townhome project This item is to potentially rezone a parcel of land to allow for a multifamily townhome project to be built.
    VIII. Consent Agenda

    IX. Action Items


    Consider Resolution to approve a Development Agreement with Navigate CM & Development for the Project located at 160 E 7200 S to allow for a Proposed 18-unit Townhomes Project.

    In conjunction with the rezone project, this item is to allow the mayor to enter into an agreement with the developer regarding the multifamily townhome project.

    Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-28 Approving Holding a Truth in Taxation Hearing

    The council will vote on moving into the process to raise property taxes. This recommendation triggers a state-mandated "Truth in Taxation" process which encourages transparency and provides an opportunity for residents to comment on the proposal.

    Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-29 Adopting the FY2023 Midvale City Fee Schedule

    The council will vote on the municipal fee schedule which designates all fees that the City charges.
    D. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-30 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Salt Lake County for the Construction of a Boat Launch Ramp along the Jordan River In effort to make the Jordan River more accessible, Salt Lake County wants to build a boat launch ramp on the east bank of the Jordan River within Midvale City. Once the ramp is constructed, Midvale City will own and maintain the ramp. Gardner Jordan Bluffs, L.C. owns that property and is granting Midvale an easement to allow the City to maintain the ramp once constructed. The agreement between Midvale City and Salt Lake County memorializes the terms of the construction and liability during the construction.

    Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-32 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Perpetual Access Easement with Gardner Jordan Bluffs, L.C.

    X. Discussion Item

    A. Discuss Fraud Risk Assessment Discuss the State Auditor’s Fraud Risk Assessment – which helps the City assess if it is vulnerable to fraud.
    XI. Closed Session

    Closed session to discuss pending or imminent litigation

    XII. Adjourn
    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

  • May 17, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

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    5:00 p.m. - Workshop

    Discussion of City Council Goals

    6:00 p.m. - Workshop

    Utah Election Integrity Presentation regarding Ranked-Choice Voting
    Discussion of Unified Police Department FY2023 Budget

    Agenda Item



    I. General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Department Report
    II. Public Comments
    Public Comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.
    III. Council Reports
    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council.

    Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson's Report
    V. City Manager Report
    City Manager Matt Dahl will update the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    VI. Department Reports

    A. Administrative Services Department Report Mariah Hill, Administrative Services Director, will provide an update on the Administrative Services Department.
    VII. Public Hearings

    A. Consider vacating a portion of Center Street Right-of-Way at approximately 100 W Center to allow for a 26 unit Townhome Project. This property is located in the Transit Oriented Development Zone (TOD). Vacating a portion of the Center Street right-of-way will allow the property line to be adjusted to the existing curb line on the north side of Center Street. This will allow the proposed townhome project to be constructed at the required setback line from the curb. Additionally, the City will not retain ownership of an area that has not been used for roadway purposes. Much of the existing parking for the old Joe Morley's was actually under City ownership. Vacating a portion of the right-of-way will bring it down to what exists further to the west, creating consistent roadway ownership.
    B. Consider preliminary subdivision Plan for a 26 unit Townhome development at approximately 100 W Center The preliminary subdivision plan proposes a 26 unit townhome project at the site of the former Joe Morley's restaurant. The proposed project will be very similar to the existing townhome project directly to the south, across Center Street. Each unit will have a two-car garage and will be three stories in height. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the plan and it is now before the City Council for final approval. In addition, the final plat will also be considered for approval. This is later on the agenda.
    C. Consider request to the Midvale Municipal Code to decrease the rear setback from 25 feet to 15 feet. Any resident has the right to apply for an amendment to the municipal code. In this case, Mr. Edwards applied to decrease the distance between a structure and the rear property line on a piece of land from 25 to 15 feet. This potential change would allow homeowners to construct additions where it may not have been possible in the past but it also implies that the neighboring property would have a structure 10 feet closer to them than under current conditions.
    VIII. Consent Agenda

    IX. Action Items

    A. Consider final plat approval for a 26 unit Townhome Plat located at approximately 100 W Center. Final plat approval will be the last step in the approval process for this proposal. If approved, a mylar will be prepared which will be recorded with the Salt Lake County Recorder's Office. This allows the townhomes in the project to be individually sold. Permits for construction may be obtained if the plat is approved.
    B. Consider authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with Quicksilver Concrete for the 5-year Concrete Replacement project (2022-2027) Each year money is budgeted for the replacement of curb/gutter and sidewalks. This involves the replacement of damaged sections of curb & gutter or sidewalk. It can also include upgrading sidewalk ramps that do not meet current ADA requirements. The City requested proposals from qualified contractors for the 2022-2027 Midvale City Concrete Repairs Project and received six proposals on April 12, 2022. Quicksilver Concrete was selected to perform the work.
    C. Adopt the updated Board and Committee Assignments for Midvale City Each year the Mayor and City Council decide on individuals who would best represent the City on various boards and committees. The council will select individuals to serve as a member of the Homeland Security Grants Council and as an alternate member on the Jordan River Commission.
    D. Consider adopting the amended and restated ICMA Retirement Corporation Governmental Money Purchase Plan & Trust Adoption Agreement for Midvale City Corporation The ICMA Retirement Corporation has recently changed their name to Mission Square Retirement. MissionSquare has submitted updated plan documents for IRS review. Three changes were made: 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Matching Contributions, In-Service Withdrawals, and Trust Document. The City Council will consider adopting these updated documents.
    E. Adopt the amended and restated ICMA Retirement Corporation 401 Governmental Profit-Sharing and Trust for Midvale City Corporation Same as above.
    F. Authorize the mayor to enter into an agreement with Bonneville Asphalt for the construction of the Jordan River Trail Parkway Repavement Project The City applied for and received from Salt Lake County a CDBG Grant in the amount of $43,359 to repair the Jordan River Trail in Midvale. The City has also budgeted $77,079 from Redevelopment Agency funds for this project.
    X. Discussion Item

    A. Discuss 2022-2027 Pavement Preservation Project Each year the City does as much as we can in the way of street maintenance. This work can include asphalt overlays, milling, slurry seals, crack sealing, road base and subgrade rehabilitation, and more. The City received 4 proposals in response to a request for bids. Morgan Industries was selected to perform the work.
    B. Continued discussion of the Unified Police Department FY2023 Budget
    X. Adjourn
    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • May 3, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

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    6:00 p.m. Workshop

    Unified Police Department Budget Overview (Sheriff Rosie Rivera & Lisa Dudley, UPD CFO)
    Discuss a City Fraud Hotline (Kyle Maurer, Assistant City Manager)

    7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting

    Agenda Item Title Summary
    I. General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

    B. Roll Call
    II. Public Comments

    Public comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.

    III. Council Reports
    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council. Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report
    V. City Manager Report
    The City Manager updates the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    VI. Department Report
    Public Works Director Glen Kennedy will provide an update regarding the Public Works Department.
    VII. Public Hearing

    A. Public Hearing to receive public comments on the Midvale City Fiscal Year 2023 Tentative Budget beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 The City Council will hear public comment on and adopt the Tentative (draft) Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023) for the City.
    VIII. Consent Agenda
    The Consent Agenda groups routine meeting discussion points into a single agenda item. In so doing, the grouped items can be approved in one action, rather than through the filing of multiple motions.
    IX. Discussion Items

    A. Discuss Award of the 2022-2027 Concrete Replacement Contract to Quicksilver Concrete Each year money is budgeted for the replacement of curb/gutter and sidewalk. This involves the replacement of damaged sections of curb & gutter or sidewalk. It can also include upgrading any sidewalk ramps that do not meet current ADA requirements.

    We put this project out for bid and received six proposals back on April 12. After evaluating the proposals Quicksilver Concrete was selected to perform the work.
    B. Discussion of Effective Date of Newly Adopted District Map On April 19, the City Council adopted a map defining new district boundaries. There has been some question as to the election implications and effective date of the New District Map. To ensure that the Midvale residents know who their city council representative currently is and to clearly establish residency expectations for the 2023 municipal election, council members have asked to discuss the option of taking legislative action that will clarify any ambiguity. State and county laws are silent on this issue, but the City has received some guidance from the Election Division of Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office.
    C. City Council Annual Goals - Review and Update The Midvale City Council’s Annual Goals included 14 goals that cover a wide range of issues. Given that this was the first set of consolidated annual goals that the Midvale City Council had adopted, there has been discussion throughout the year about the need to revisit the list to see how it and the goal setting process can be improved.
    XI. Adjourn
    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.
  • April 19, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

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    6:00 p.m. Workshop

    Discuss Ranked Choice Voting
    Discuss Future of Cemetery

    7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting

    Agenda Item Title Summary
    I. General Business

    A. Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

    Roll Call
    Unified Fire Authority Report Chief Brad Larson will provide an update on the Unified Fire Authority
    II. Public Comments

    Public comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.

    III. Council Reports

    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council. Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report

    V. City Manager Report

    The City Manager updates the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    VI. Department Reports

    Community Development Director Nate Rockwood will provide an update regarding the Community Development Department and Redevelopment Agency.
    VII. Public Hearings
    Consider Proposed Amendments to the FY2022 Budget for the General Fund and Other Funds as necessary The City is moving the GIS department from the Engineering Department to the Information Technology Department. Therefore, budgeted salaries from the Engineering budget will be moved to the Information Technology budget. This is a shift of funds and there is no budget addition.

    Due to supply chain issues, the City Council has voted to use Water Fund Balance to pay for some meter and water inventory budgeted in fiscal year 2023 in fiscal year 2022. This is amending the budget to make those purchases.
    VIII. Consent Agenda

    The Consent Agenda groups routine meeting discussion points into a single agenda item. In so doing, the grouped items can be approved in one action, rather than through the filing of multiple motions.
    IX. Actions Items

    A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-16 Adopting Task Order #141.47.100 with Hanse, Allen & Luce for the design and construction management services for 2022 Pipeline Replacement
    In our continuing effort to replace aging and undersized waterlines, we would like to begin the design work on the next two lines on the list. These projects are the replacement of the 6” and 8” lines in Center Street between the Trax line and State Street, along with the replacement of the line in High Tech Drive from 7200 South to our north border. We anticipate that this project will cost us roughly $800,000.
    B. Consideration and Approval of Resolution No. 2022-R-17 Confirming the Appointment of Molly Signoretty as the Chair of the Harvest Days Festival Committee The Mayor will present Molly Signoretty to be appointed as Chair of the Harvest Days Festival Committee.
    C. Consider and Select a List of Final Names to Submit to the Public for Consideration for the Official Name of the New Midvale Fire Station #125

    On March 16, 2022, the city launched the “Name that Fire Station” campaign to solicit input from the community regarding names for the new Midvale Fire Station #125 which will be located at 655 W Center Street. Twenty responses were received. The City Council will narrow down the list of names to no more than five names. The list of finalists will be shared with the community via Engage Midvale to choose the official name of the new building.

    D. Consideration of Resolution No. 2022-R-18 Adopting a New City Council District Map State law requires that cities create new city council districts after every decennial census. The city uses census information to ensure that the new council districts are substantially equal. Following three public meetings and review of comments provided by Midvale residents online, the City Council will consider adopting a new City Council District Map that will be used for the next 10 years.
    X. Discussion Items

    A. Discuss Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Projects and Council Suggested Projects This discussion will lead to capital projects and initiatives to be included in the fiscal year 2023 tentative budget, which is expected to be released for public inspection on April 26, 2022.

    Local governments undertake "capital projects" to acquire, develop, improve or maintain various facilities, other infrastructure and/or equipment. These projects are generally large in scale, require large sums of money, and are long-term.
    XI. Adjourn
    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.

  • April 5, 2022 City Council Meeting Citizens Agenda

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    supporting image
    6:00 p.m. Workshop

    City Treasurer Appointment The Mayor will present a candidate for the City Council to vote on to fill the open City Treasurer position.

    Discuss South Valley’s CIP Plan
    South Valley Sewer District General Manager and Engineer will provide a brief overview of the South Valley Capital Improvement Project plan.

    7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting

    Agenda Item Title Summary
    I. General Business

    A. Welcome & Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Roll Call
    C. Unified Police Report Chief Randy Thomas will provide an update on the Unified Police Department.
    D. Proclamation Recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month Over the last challenging year, families have faced increased stress, and children were left without many of their protective factors. We hope the proclamation can shine a light on this issue in our local communities and serve as a reminder to work towards preventing child abuse. A representative from Family Support Center will accept the proclamation.
    II. Public Comments

    Public comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting for topics that are not included on the agenda. If you wish to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda, go up to the podium when the mayor asks if there are any public comments.

    By law, the city council may only take action on items specifically published on the agenda.

    III. Council Reports

    Mayor and City Council Reports are an important communication tool for the Midvale City Council. Typically, the Mayor or a Council Member will ask the City Manager for information on a subject or issue. They will also provide an update on the meetings or events they have attended.
    IV. Mayor Marcus Stevenson Report
    V. City Manager Report
    The City Manager updates the City Council on a variety of matters including programs, policies, employee recognition, etc.
    VI. Public Hearings

    A. Consideration of Amendments to Title 17 of the Midvale City Municipal Code to address minimum parking requirements within multi-family and mixed-use developments

    The amendment will prohibit extra fees for residents to use minimum parking that must be provided for development. Anything above the required minimum parking for each unit may be charged, but the minimum parking may not be assessed as an extra charge over and above the rent, lease, or sale of a unit.

    B. Consider Redistricting Map Options for the Midvale City Council Districts
    Every ten years, city council districts must be redrawn so that each district is substantially equal in population. This process, called redistricting, is important in ensuring that each city council member represents about the same number of constituents. Redistricting is based on data from the U.S. Census, which was released in August 2021. The Midvale City Council is responsible (per Utah State Code) for setting the city council member districts. Two open houses and a survey were conducted to receive public input. The city council will discuss the results to determine how to redraw the council districts.
    VIII. Consent Agenda
    A consent agenda groups routine meeting discussion points into a single agenda item. In so doing, the grouped items can be approved in one action, rather than through the filing of multiple motions.
    IX. Action Items

    A. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-11 Confirming the Mayor’s Appointment of Karen Kester as the City Treasurer for Midvale City
    The Mayor will present a candidate for the City Council to vote on to fill the open City Treasurer position.
    B. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-12 Approving the Development Agreement for the project located at 1122 East Fort Union Blvd to allow for a proposed 5-story apartment building with structured parking and street-level retail
    This item, if approved, would allow the Mayor, on behalf of the City, to enter into an agreement with the developer in order to develop the property/project as presented.
    C. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-13 Approving the Purchase of Water Meters and Water Department Inventory

    Approval would allow city staff to purchase additional water meters and water meter inventory.

    D. Consider Resolution No. 2022-R-14 Authorizing Specific City Employees to make Changes to the City’s Public Treasurers Investment Fund Accounts
    Approval would give the City Treasurer and Administrative Services Director authority to make changes, as needed, to the City’s Public Treasurers Investment Fund account.
    X. Discussion Items

    Discuss Task Order #141.47.100 with Hansen, Allen & Luce for the design and construction management services for 2022 Pipeline Replacement
    In our continuing effort to replace aging and undersized waterlines, we would like to begin the design work on the next two lines on the list. These projects are the replacement of the 6” and 8” lines in Center Street between the Trax line and State Street, along with the replacement of the line in High Tech Drive from 7200 South to our north border. We anticipate that this project will cost us roughly $800,000.
    Discuss Proposed Amendments to the FY2022 Budget for the General Fund and Other Funds as Necessary

    In order to purchase the water meters and water inventory discussed earlier in the meeting, we need to adjust the current year's budget to include the purchases.

    Fire Restriction Discussion
    Every year, the Unified Fire Authority requests an updated fireworks restriction map from the city. City staff is seeking input from the city council on the current firework restrictions map and will discuss a strategy for the summer if the drought conditions continue.
    2022 Legislative Wrap-Up
    The 2022 General Session of the Utah Legislature ended on March 4, 2022. Throughout the 45-day session, staff members tracked several bills that were considered by the Utah Legislature, because of their ability to impact our community. During the city council meeting staff will provide an update on the bills and issues that will have the most impact on Midvale, with particular focus on:
    XI. Adjourn

    The City Council votes to adjourn the meeting.